Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yes, I am Still Playing the GAME!

Again this week my assignment is to evaluate my GAME plan and modify it if needed. Below are the questions I must consider:

•How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

Since I am currently on Summer Break, my goal to become more responsible with my online citations will have to wait until the new school year begins. So, that determination of effectiveness is on hold. As for my Promethean Training, it is going very well! Clarissa & I began it this week and although I was already very familiar with the ActivInspire program, it has been extremely helpful to delve deeper and get TONS of ideas that I can share with other classroom teachers!

•What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

In the past 2 days of training, I have learned to construct flipcharts and manipulate the layers within them. I have also demonstrated how to apply different actions to objects from the browser to my fellow trainers. This will be helpful to me in the classroom because I will be able to create amazing flipcharts to enhance my students' knowledge and interaction!

•What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?

This week, I still have to learn the different properties of the browser and ways to incorporate them into my flipchart lessons. I will also have to learn HOW to train the teachers at my school to use the ActivInspire software. Any new questions that arose were immediately addressed by our trainer, Catherine. Many of them came up during the activities she was having us do. So far, I have not come up with any questions that have yet to be answered.

•How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

As far as I'm concerned at the moment, my GAME plan is going as planned! At the end of the week, if I have any questions about how to do something in ActivInspire, I will then need to adjust my plan to fit my needs.

References: ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) (2008). The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) and PErformance Indicatiors for TEachers. retrieved fromhttp://www.iste.o-Trg/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf


Clarissa Miles, M.Ed. said...

I agree with you that our GAME plan does seem to be going really well! I think it is perfect timing for us to start developing one. I am excited about all of the plans we are going to start making for next year.

I think our next step is going to elaborate on our plans for trainings for the upcoming school year and also working out the details of the technology club that we are going to start.

Stephanie said...


I agree. Now that we have the training and are officially certified Promethean trainers, we need to make a list of all the topics we want to conduct workshops for. We also need to make a GAME plan for putting our technology club into action! That will give us plenty to work on this summer while we relax by the pool!

Carman Daddario said...

I LOVE using ActivInspire. It takes a little while to get used to creating things, but if you are used to PowerPoint, it is very similar. Good Luck!