I have begun a new course in my Graduate class and here are the questions I've been asked to ponder this week:
What purpose would the blog serve? Is it a place for students to interact about content? Is it a showcase for their work? How does using a blog enhance the lesson? Include your grade level, content area, and your rationale as to why a blog is a good tool for the instructional context.
I have already set up a classroom blog and hope to use it in the coming year. It's my plan to have to students communicate with each other not only about curriculum topics, but everyday topics as well. I want this to be a place where they can build an online community and feel safe responding to each others opinions.
I think the blog will enhance lessons by getting the students to think more critically about topics. It is also able to be used in different ways, so the students will be differentiating their own instruction. We have a time during the day called, "Double Dose." During this time, I think I will allow the students to work on their blogging comments and responses. I would like to teach them various ways to respond other than by writing, but I want to get that skill down first!
As a 4th grade teacher, I will be taking on quite a bit of extra work, but I think the kids will pick it up easily. Since I teach all subjects, I look forward to incorporating each into a weekly/daily question. I think having a class blog will be a great instructional tool that will be fun for the students and keep them interested in our class and each other!
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