Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Little of This, A Little of That...

For standard 2, Developing literacy and language skills across the curriculum, I will discuss strategy number 8, Supporting Student Use of Language (pg. 50). This is where I believe a word wall would come in handy. If the students are immersed in new words and are able to see them and use them on a consistent basis, they are more likely to recognize and use them in the future, whether in verbal or written usage.

It is also important to remember to model and repeat (echo) what you want your students to accomplish. If my class is doing a group project, I can't expect them to know exactly what to do if I don't show them what their project is supposed to look like. I also like to give short and sweet directions and have the students repeat them to me - especially after I have gone through all the motions. That way, all the students are held accountable for knowing what I expect. I usually also post the steps on my projector, so if they forget a step in the process they can refer back to it. Hopefully, this is a good way for me to support the students use of language. I also like to write the main vocabulary words on the projector and ask the students to refer to them throughout the lesson. I think this is a good way to reinforce new language.